Sequential Movement Puzzles

Moving parts of the object to achieve a specific goal is the challenge of these puzzles. Since the Rubik's cube came out the different types of puzzles in this category has exploded, so this page just lists some of the general sub-categories with links to pages that give details on the specific sub-categroies.

There are other ways to break down the puzzles into categories. For example, it is fairly common to see the sliders broken down by whether there is an open hole into which to slide pieces, or whether there is no open hole meaing that multiple pieces slide at the same time. But I choose to break down the sliders by whether they were essentially 2-dimensional or not.

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Sequential Movement Puzzle Types
Photo Category

Rubik cube type puzzles

3-Dimensional slider puzzles

2-Dimensional slider puzzles

Solitaire puzzles

Remove counters or pegs by jumping

Counter puzzles

Rearrange counters or pages by jumping

Maze puzzles

Miscellaneous Sequential Movement puzzles

These puzzles don'e fit well into any of the above categories.