Miscellaneous Sequential Movement Puzzles

These are sequential movement puzzles which do not fall nicely into the the other categories.

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Miscellaneous Sequential Movement Puzzles
Photo Type
A Tipover puzzle.
A couple of River Crossing puzzles.
Three different Cmetrick puzzles. One is a 2x2, another is a 3x3 and
the third is construct your own version.
A Rubik'c Clock puzzle.
A Gerdig puzzle with the box. There are two layers, the top and the
bottom and the balls are actually each two half spheres.
A Saturn puzzle.
A UFO puzzle.
A Planets puzzle.
A few Tricky Disk puzzles.
A BrainTwister puzzles. The figure on the right shows one of the
possible movements.
A couple of Enigma puzzles. The one on the left is for the University
of Connecticut, while the one on the right has a design to match up.