
What is CMS?


The Christian Music Society (CMS) is an organization run by music loving students from Olivet Nazarene University. Its focus to serve the student commuity (and the surrounding community) with Christian music related activities and information. This includes producing and promoting concerts at Olivet and in the Chicagoland area.

Members of CMS are students from Olivet Nazarene University.

CMS has a council of people that oversee the various tasks to support its mission. These Council members include:

Ian Soper - President | e-mail
Steven Findley - Secretary | e-mail
Chris Howell - Treasurer | e-mail
Tim Defoggi - Director of Booking | e-mail
Jared Coffman - Director of Hospilality | e-mail
Angela Miramontez - Director of Advertising | e-mail

Other Council Members:
Tim Dickinson | e-mail
Matt Jones | e-mail
Scott Christensen | e-mail
Josh Swenson | e-mail

These council positions need to be filled for next year, nominate someone for a position!!!

Technical Information:

This site was designed for:
800 x 600 screen resolution (1024x768 is better)
16-bit color depth (65,000 colors) or greater

Designed to be viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or above
(although Netscape will work fine)

This website was created using Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 and Dreamweaver 3.0 software, as well as Adobe Photoshop 5.5.

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© 2001 Ian Soper | webmaster: