
CMS Elections
for Fall 2001- Spring 2002

Nominations are being accepted right now!!!
E-mail us:

Elections will be held this thursday night. Council members are required to attend.

CMS Elections Meeting
Thurday, April 19th
5:00 pm
in The Diamond Room

CMS is looking for a few good men (or women, that is) to help out with the responsiblities of the club council for next school year. If you would like to nominate a person (or yourself) for one of positions, do so by e-mailing us at All we require out of helpers is that they are hard workers and love to be involved in Christian music.


There are a total of 11 council positions to be filled. Here is a list with titles and descriptions of each position.

A Description of available positions:

Oversee club: Make sure those holding council positions follow through with there responsiblities.
Tying up loose ends: Picking up slack when ever neccessary and making sure everything is running smoothly and tasks are being accomplished.

Keep the focus of CMS alive and well: As concerts are scheduled and promoted, meetings are attended, that the main goals of CMS are stuck to and agreed upon.
nominate someone for president

Membership: membership list; keeping list current: sending e-mails/phone calls
Meetings: Scheduling, keeping Minutes; Informing members about
Ludwig Table/Ticket Sales: Scheduling people to sit; making sure supplies are there; Setting up table; keeping/distributing tickets for shows.
nominate someone for secretary

Keeping track of money: Balance; Receipts; Paying bands; Budgeting/Petty Cash/Purchase
nominate someone for treasurer

Director of Advertising
Listing event: on Calender; Tiger Talk, Websites,
Christian Happenings, etc.
Flyers: Putting the up on/off campus (churches, youth ministries, campus buildings, etc.
Churches/Youth Groups/Youth Ministries
Getting Chapel Announcements and Chapel Power Point
Radio Advertising: The Dorm; WONU, WCFL, etc.
nominate someone for director of advertising

Director of Booking
Booking Bands: Finding/Contacting Bands
Getting Dates & Venue
Needs of the Bands: Working with Media, Buildings and Grounds, and Marriot for concert needs.
Communication with Bands: When neccessary checking up on the bands' dates/needs
nominate someone for director of booking

Director of Hospitality
Food/Drinks: getting meals/snacks for the bands for show nights.
Sleeping Arrangements
: Getting places for bands to sleep (i.e. dorm room/house)
In charge of Set-up:
Getting Volunteers for show night
nominate someone for director of hospitality


Maintaining CMS Website: updating when neccessary; keeping content current and consistent, must have some HTML/Web Design experience.
Yahoo Groups E-mail list:
work with the secretary to keep up the our e-mail list and send out e-mails to CMS members.
nominate someone for webmaster

General Council Member
(4 extra positions, besides those already named)
Responsibilities (these are added responsibilities to those listed for each position above)

Must Attend all CMS meetings: Conflicts can be cleared with President 1 day ahead of time
Responsible with given tasks: Have aptitude toward position or previous experience
Sit at tables in Ludwig: for ticket sales, promotions, club day
Must help with Concerts: set-up or teardown and during the concert
nominate someone for council members