Puzzle Collection

This page is the start of a listing of my puzzle collection. Each category has a sample picture and clicking on the category link will take you to a page with more details, pictures, and information. Some pages have subcategories because of the variety of items.

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Puzzle Categories
Photo Category

Puzzle Books

Put Together

One of the most common puzzle types, the object is to assemble or
put the puzzle together. Common examples include: Tangrams, disssection
puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Soma Cube, Pentominos, checkerboard puzzles,
instant Insanity, and edge matching puzzles

Take Apart

The object is to open or take apart the puzzle

Interlocking Solid

Disassemble or assemble to solve the puzzle


Disentanglement & Entanglement puzzles

Sequential Movement

Moving parts of the puzzle to achieve a set goal


Manual dexterity is needed to solve puzzle

Puzzle Vessels

Drinking without spilling is the goal

Vanishing Puzzles

The puzzle is to explain the vanishing object


The object is to fold the puzzle to obtain a specific image or shape

Impossible Objects

The object of the puzzle is to explain how the object was created