Devotionals connecting to various aspects of probability and statistics

Devotionals related to probability and statistics
Title Date
Astragalus - Casting lots January 16
Experimental Region January 28
Probability February 8
Through the eye of a needle February 11
Creatures and Heredity: Ronald Fisher (February 17, 1890 - July 29, 1962) February 17
Statistics and Free will: Adolphe Quetelet (February 22, 1796 - February 17, 1874) February 22
Gender Distribution: John Arbuthnot (Baptised April 29, 1667 - February 27,1735) February 27
Census: John Venn (August 4, 1834 - April 4, 1923) April 4
Inverse Probabilities: Thomas Bayees (1701 - April 7, 1761) April 7
The Perfect Model April 18
Average May 27
Union June 3
Middle verses of the Bible July 15
Healing the Sick: Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1890 - August 13, 1910) August 13
Pascal's Wager: Blaise Pascal (June 19, 1623 - August 19, 1662) August 19
Misleading Statistics September 11
Disjoint Sets September 13
Complements September 17
Variability September 19
Low Probability - High Likelihood September 26
Unconditional September 30
Independence October 2
Mode November 1
Chance Happens to All November 2
Compassion November 6
Randomization to determine God's will November 27
Least Squares December 3
Deterministc Probability December 4
Prophesies December 23
Census December 25