Instant Insanity Puzzles

These are puzzles that typically involve stacking cubes so that each side has one of each type. These puzzles fall into the Instant Insanity or Tanilizer category. Mst involve four cubes though more or other shapes are possible.

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Instant Insanity Puzzles
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Several Instant Insanity puzzles. This was the common version that
came out in the 1970s.
Several Tantalizer puzzles. This was the common version prior to
the plastic version of the 1970s.
A Colorados puzzle.
A Color Cubes puzzle.
A Crazy Cubes puzzle.
A Daffy Dots puzzle.
A DamBlocks Puzzle.
A couple of Neurotic Numbers puzzles.
A Nice Cubes puzzle.
A Pozzle Puzzle.
A handmade version. Very easy to make.
A Frantic Puzzle.
A Diabolical puzzle.
A Bananas puzzle.
A Poker puzzle.
An older Fourace Puzzle.
An old Katzenjammer puzzle.
A Go Crazy Puzzle. This is an Instanty Insantity type puzzle
except rather than cubes there are circular disks to align.
A Steiffel puzzle. Here we have 6 cubes, but interestingly enough
the patterns are only on four sides of the cube, which makes the
puzzle easier to solve.