Checkerboard Put-Together Puzzles

Historically a very common type of put-together puzzles were checkerboard puzzles, where the goal had multiple requirements. The completed puzzle needed to be a checkerboard, so squares of the same type needed to alternate and the puzzle needed to completely fill an 8x8 grid.

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Checkboard Put-Together Puzzles
Photo Puzzle
An Angle Mania puzzle.
A Wrobbell's Checkerboard Puzzle.
A Brain Drain Checkerboard puzzle, also called Checkle Heckle.
The All Square Novelty Puzzle.
Checker by the Dozen Checkerboard Puzzle. This puzzle was a give away
at the 1993 International Puzzle Party and was made by Les Barton.
An XceL Checkerboard Puzzle.
A Krazy 8 checkerboard puzzle.
A Brain-Fry puzzle.
The Famous Checkerboard Puzzle.
The Famous and Baffling Checker Board Puzzle.
Some very old Bug House checkerboard puzzles.
An Amus 'n' Ande Checker Board Puzzle.
The Gift Puzzle.
The Wacky Puzzle.
A checkerboard puzzle.
A Perplexing Banzee Island Checkerboard Puzzle.