2-Dimensional Put-Together Puzzles

Here we have put-together puzzles that are typically 2 dimensional but do not fit well into any of the previous categories.

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2-Dimensional Put-Together Puzzles
Photo Puzzle
A Fantastic Island puzzle.
A Jumpin' Frog Jumble puzzle
A Cubits puzzle.
A Brick by Brick puzzle.
A Catch 21 puzzle.
A Gridlock puzzle
A Raging Rapids puzzle.
A Slivers puzzle of Anakin Skywalker podracing.
A couple of puzzles to create a six sided star.
A 21 ghosts puzzle.
A Pacman puzzle.
A block puzzle of an Escher illustration.
A contoura puzzle. While the surface is three dimensional
the puzzle is essentially a two dimensional puzzle.
A 3x3 Magic Square puzzle.
A Thinking Man's 34 Puzzle. A 4x4 magic square.
A pair of 34 Skidoo puzzles. 4x4 magic squares.
A Magic 65 puzzle. A 5x5 magic square.
A smart numbers puzzle. A 5x5 magic square.
A M.C. Escher puzzle, Mosaic II, where the pieces are the
shape of the objects in the picture.
A M.C. Escher puzzle, Sun and Moon, where the pieces are
the shape of the birds in the picture.