Devotionals connecting to various other aspects of mathematics

Devotionals related to miscellanous topics in mathematics
Title Date
New Ideas January 20
Cryptography February 4
Growth Curve - Logistic February 5
Mathematical Operations March 24
Fair Division April 23
Addition April 27
Measurements May 1
Duality April 4
Inverse Probabilities: Thomas Bayees (1701 - April 7, 1761) May 11
Plants and Fibonacci May 14
New Ideas May 20
Circular Reasoning July 24
Precision August 9
If Then September 4
Induction September 16
Metric Systems: Gabriel Mouton (1618 - September 28, 1694) September 28
Existance Proofs Ocotber 17
Models and approximations December 7
Chaos December 11