Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777 - 1855)

German mathematician known as the Princeps mathematicorum, "the Prince of Mathematicians". He significant contributions to many branches of mathematics and is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Gauss called mathematics "the queen of the sciences". He proved what is now known as the fundamental theorem of algebra. Gauss was a prodigious mental calculator, supposedly summing the integers from 1 to 100 so quickly that he surprised his teacher. Many results in mathematics are named for him including Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination, and the normal distribution is also known as the Gaussian distribution.

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Stamp Description
Germany, 10pf, 1955,
Scott: 725 A154
German Democratic Republic, 20pf, 1977
Scott: 1811 A550
Germany, 40pf, 1977
Scott: 1246 A410
Nicaragua, 1.50cor, 1994
Scott: 1985 A279i