Franklin, Benjamin (1706 -1790)

Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. While not considered a mathematician, he did construct some interesting magic squares. He constructed 8x8 and even an 16x16 magic squuare. Franklin magic squares are known to have constant row and column sums and though they may lack the two diagonal sums, they do possess other magical sums, including the bent rows.

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First Day Covers


Stamp Description
United States, 1c, 1887
Scott: 212 A59
United States, 1c, 1898
Scott: 279 A87
United States, 1c, 1902
Scott: 300 A115
United States, 1c, 1912
United States, 1/2c, 1938
Scott: 803 A275
United States, 5c, 1947
Scott: 948 A395
United States, 3c, 1947
Scott: 947 A394
United States, 1/2c, 1954
Scott: 1030 A477
United States, 3c, 1956
Scott: 1073 A520
nited States, 4c, 1960
Scott: 1140 A583
United States, 7c, 1970
Scott: 1393D 816
United States, 13c, 1976
Scott: 1690 A1080
Canada, 10c, 1976
Scott: 390 A120
United States, 20c, 1983
Scott: 2036 A1421
United States, 22c, 1985
Scott: 2145 A1528
Malawi, 100k, 2008
Mali, 1000f, 2011