Blaise Pascal (1623 -1662)

French mathematician who argued in Pensées that one should believe in God because there was all to gain and very little to lose. This belief is often called Pascal’s Wager. Pascal constructed a mechanical calculator to assist his father. This precursor to the computer probably contributed to having a computer language, Pascal, named after him. He may be best known for Pascal’s triangle, so named because of his Traité du triangle arithmétique (Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle) where he popularized in Europe a triangular table of binomial coefficients. Pascal also contributed to projective geometry at the age of 16 and probability through correspondence with Pierre de Fermat.

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First Day Covers

Paper Money

Obverse Reverse Description
France, 500 Francs, 1977

Coins and tokens

Obverse Reverse Description
Token, Franklin Mint, 1973