Jaime Escalante (1930 - 2010)

Jaime Escalante was a high school mathematics teacher best known through the movie Stand and Deliver which represented his success as a high school Calculus teacher to inner city minority students in East Los Angeles. Originally from Bolivia, Escalante taught at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles. He taught Calculus to poorly performing students. The movie features the confrontation that occurred when his students were accused of cheating to pass the AP Calculus Exam. The students retook a different exam and still passed.

As an interesting and slightly personal side note, I have graded AP Calculus exams for many years. While I do not remember the exact year, while the Reading was in Fort Collins Colorado, Escalante actually was inivited and came to participate in the reading, grading the same exams which his students had been accused of cheating on.


Stamp Description
United States of America, Forever, 2016
The back side of the sheet has a biography of Escalante