Olivet Nazarene
Game Highs and Lows
Game-by-Game Highs
Olivet Nazarene Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
MEMORIAL (NEWFOUNDLAND) 10/28/05 98-58 W 18-Johnson, Zach 8-Meeks, Travis 4-Birkey, Zach 4-Meeks, Travis 1-Meeks, Travis
Johnson, Zach
Lavender, Mic
at St. Ambrose (Iowa) 11/08/05 83-64 W 20-Meeks, Travis 12-Chismark, Sta 5-Meeks, Travis 4-Chismark, Sta 1-Chismark, Sta
Howell, Phil
Meeks, Travis
at McKendree (Ill.) 11/11/05 60-50 W 14-Johnson, Zach 10-Chismark, Sta 6-Birkey, Zach 3-Howell, Phil 3-French, Phil
Chismark, Sta
vs Brescia (Ky.) 11/12/05 68-77 L 16-French, Phil 7-Chismark, Sta 5-Chismark, Sta 2-Chismark, Sta 2-Meeks, Travis
Howell, Phil
vs Daemen (N.Y.) 11/18/05 77-87 L 15-Meeks, Travis 9-Chismark, Sta 4-Birkey, Zach 2-Howell, Phil 1-Lavender, Mic
Lavender, Mic Johnson, Zach
French, Phil
vs Grace (Ind.) 11/19/05 74-77 L 15-Chismark, Sta 16-Meeks, Travis 5-Birkey, Zach 1-Meeks, Travis 2-Lavender, Mic
at Illinois Wesleyan 11/22/05 68-87 L 16-Lavender, Mic 7-Chismark, Sta 4-Birkey, Zach 1-Meeks, Travis 1-Lavender, Mic
Livas, Nick Chismark, Sta French, Phil
Huck, Bobby Livas, Nick
vs Huntington (Ind.) 11/25/05 75-84 L 15-Chismark, Sta 10-French, Phil 5-Birkey, Zach 2-Livas, Nick 1-Lavender, Mic
Livas, Nick Meeks, Travis
vs East-West (Ill.) 11/26/05 125-82 W 22-Chismark, Sta 13-Livas, Nick 6-Lavender, Mic 4-Huck, Bobby 2-Howell, Phil
French, Phil
Livas, Nick
OHIO STATE-MANSFIELD 12/02/05 89-53 W 18-Livas, Nick 10-Livas, Nick 7-Chismark, Sta 3-Lavender, Mic 3-French, Phil
CORNERSTONE (MICH.) 12/03/05 70-67 W 16-Chismark, Sta 7-Livas, Nick 5-Meeks, Travis 2-Birkey, Zach 1-Lavender, Mic
French, Phil
at Georgetown (Ky.) 12/10/05 56-67 L 24-Chismark, Sta 12-Chismark, Sta 3-Livas, Nick 4-Chismark, Sta 1-French, Phil
Chismark, Sta Meeks, Travis
Lavender, Mic
EAST-WEST (ILL.) 12/13/05 106-48 W 29-Howell, Phil 15-Johnson, Zach 10-Chismark, Sta 2-Lavender, Mic 2-Lavender, Mic
Bronke, Josh
ST. AMBROSE (IOWA) 12/17/05 100-79 W 23-Livas, Nick 11-Livas, Nick 8-Chismark, Sta 2-Birkey, Zach 3-Meeks, Travis
Livas, Nick
at Hawai'i Pacific 12/30/05 52-71 L 15-Cole, Brett 10-Livas, Nick 2-Cole, Brett 2-Howell, Phil 1-Howell, Phil
Lavender, Mic Birkey, Zach Johnson, Zach
Cole, Brett Meeks, Travis
French, Phil
at Brigham Young-Hawai'i 01/02/06 78-87 L 19-Chismark, Sta 5-Meeks, Travis 9-Birkey, Zach 2-Livas, Nick 2-Meeks, Travis
Livas, Nick
Chismark, Sta
ILLINOIS TECH 01/10/06 86-59 W 19-Cole, Brett 8-Livas, Nick 8-Birkey, Zach 3-Livas, Nick 2-Johnson, Zach
Chismark, Sta Howell, Phil
ST. FRANCIS (ILL.) 01/14/06 65-56 W 24-Chismark, Sta 8-French, Phil 6-Birkey, Zach 2-French, Phil 2-French, Phil
INDIANA-SOUTH BEND 01/17/06 70-58 W 17-Chismark, Sta 8-Chismark, Sta 6-Birkey, Zach 2-Birkey, Zach 1-French, Phil
Cole, Brett Howell, Phil
Chismark, Sta Chismark, Sta
Johnson, Zach
vs Brescia (Ky.) 01/21/06 69-58 W 20-Chismark, Sta 10-French, Phil 6-Birkey, Zach 4-Birkey, Zach 2-Meeks, Travis
French, Phil
Livas, Nick
ROBERT MORRIS (ILL.) 01/24/06 89-88 W 25-French, Phil 8-Cole, Brett 8-Livas, Nick 3-Livas, Nick 2-French, Phil
Livas, Nick
Olivet Nazarene Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
at Saint Xavier (Ill.) 01/28/06 66-70 L 10-Livas, Nick 8-Livas, Nick 4-Livas, Nick 2-Johnson, Zach 2-Livas, Nick
Chismark, Sta Birkey, Zach
Lavender, Mic
at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) 01/31/06 71-57 W 13-Howell, Phil 5-Livas, Nick 5-Johnson, Zach 3-Howell, Phil None
Meeks, Travis Birkey, Zach
Chismark, Sta
at Illinois Tech 02/04/06 91-75 W 22-French, Phil 9-Meeks, Travis 6-Chismark, Sta 3-Johnson, Zach 1-Birkey, Zach
Cole, Brett
Meeks, Travis
at St. Francis (Ill.) 02/07/06 75-67 W 17-Howell, Phil 7-Chismark, Sta 3-Chismark, Sta 2-Birkey, Zach 1-Meeks, Travis
French, Phil
Livas, Nick
ILLINOIS-SPRINGFIELD 02/09/06 76-70 WO 20-Livas, Nick 15-Livas, Nick 6-Birkey, Zach 2-Chismark, Sta 4-French, Phil
at Indiana-South Bend 02/11/06 85-71 W 23-Chismark, Sta 10-Livas, Nick 5-Johnson, Zach 3-Livas, Nick 1-Lavender, Mic
Cole, Brett
Meeks, Travis
at Robert Morris (Ill.) 02/18/06 81-78 W 22-Chismark, Sta 12-French, Phil 7-Birkey, Zach 3-Chismark, Sta 1-French, Phil
SAINT XAVIER (ILL.) 02/21/06 58-57 W 11-Chismark, Sta 6-Livas, Nick 6-Birkey, Zach 2-Birkey, Zach 1-Livas, Nick
Cole, Brett Johnson, Zach
Birkey, Zach
PURDUE CALUMET (IND.) 02/25/06 84-57 W 14-Meeks, Travis 9-Livas, Nick 7-Birkey, Zach 3-Meeks, Travis 1-Birkey, Zach
Meeks, Travis French, Phil
ST. FRANCIS (ILL.) 03/02/06 65-74 L 19-Chismark, Sta 6-Chismark, Sta 3-Cole, Brett 1-Livas, Nick None
Livas, Nick Howell, Phil
Chismark, Sta
Cole, Brett
Johnson, Zach
vs Wayland Baptist (Texas 03/15/06 84-77 W 16-French, Phil 7-French, Phil 4-Johnson, Zach 3-Birkey, Zach 1-Howell, Phil
Birkey, Zach
Livas, Nick
vs Mountain State (W.Va.) 03/17/06 79-65 W 27-Chismark, Sta 11-Meeks, Travis 10-Birkey, Zach 3-Birkey, Zach 1-Johnson, Zach
French, Phil
Meeks, Travis
vs Oklahoma Baptist 03/18/06 75-91 L 16-French, Phil 6-French, Phil 7-Birkey, Zach 2-Birkey, Zach None
High/Low Analysis
Olivet Nazarene High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
Olivet Nazarene - TEAM GAME HIGHS
POINTS..................... 125 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
106 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
100 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
98 vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)
91 at Illinois Tech (02/04/06)
FIELD GOALS MADE........... 39 vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
38 at Illinois Tech (02/04/06)
38 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 88 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
74 at Illinois Tech (02/04/06)
FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .644 (38-59) vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
.574 (31-54) at St. Ambrose (Iowa) (11/08/05)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 11 vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
11 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 30 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
24 vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
24 vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .643 ( 9-14) vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
.588 (10-17) at Brigham Young-Hawai'i (01/02/06)
FREE THROWS MADE........... 42 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
26 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 55 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
35 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... 1.000 ( 5-5 ) at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
.864 (19-22) vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
REBOUNDS................... 81 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
58 vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
ASSISTS.................... 30 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
29 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
STEALS..................... 21 vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)
14 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 8 vs Brescia (Ky.) (01/21/06)
8 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
TURNOVERS.................. 22 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
22 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
FOULS...................... 24 vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
24 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
Olivet Nazarene High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
Opponent - GAME HIGHS
POINTS..................... 91 vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
88 vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
87 at Brigham Young-Hawai'i (01/02/06)
87 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
87 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
FIELD GOALS MADE........... 35 vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
32 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
32 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 77 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
71 vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
71 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .686 (35-51) vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
.640 (32-50) at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 14 vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
11 at Illinois Tech (02/04/06)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 34 vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
31 vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .625 (10-16) at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
.583 ( 7-12) vs Huntington (Ind.) (11/25/05)
FREE THROWS MADE........... 24 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
21 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
21 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 34 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
33 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .938 (15-16) vs Huntington (Ind.) (11/25/05)
.889 ( 8-9 ) at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
REBOUNDS................... 42 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
40 vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
ASSISTS.................... 24 vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
23 at Brigham Young-Hawai'i (01/02/06)
STEALS..................... 14 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
13 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
13 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 6 at Robert Morris (Ill.) (02/18/06)
5 vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
5 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
5 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
TURNOVERS.................. 32 vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)
23 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
23 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
FOULS...................... 35 vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
26 vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
Olivet Nazarene High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
Olivet Nazarene - GAME LOWS
POINTS..................... 52 at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
56 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
58 vs Saint Xavier (Ill.) (02/21/06)
60 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
65 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
65 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
FIELD GOALS MADE........... 17 at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
20 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 48 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
48 at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
48 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .354 (17-48) at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
.398 (35-88) vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 1 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
2 vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 8 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
8 vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .125 ( 1-8 ) vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
.188 ( 3-16) vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
FREE THROWS MADE........... 3 at Saint Xavier (Ill.) (01/28/06)
5 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
5 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
5 vs Saint Xavier (Ill.) (02/21/06)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 5 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
7 vs Saint Xavier (Ill.) (02/21/06)
FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .300 ( 3-10) at Saint Xavier (Ill.) (01/28/06)
.450 ( 9-20) vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
REBOUNDS................... 22 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
25 vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
ASSISTS.................... 7 at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
12 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
STEALS..................... 1 vs Grace (Ind.) (11/19/05)
2 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
0 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
0 vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
TURNOVERS.................. 5 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
9 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
9 vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
FOULS...................... 11 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
11 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
Olivet Nazarene High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
Opponent - GAME LOWS
POINTS..................... 48 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
50 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
53 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
56 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
57 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
57 vs Saint Xavier (Ill.) (02/21/06)
57 vs Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (02/25/06)
FIELD GOALS MADE........... 19 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
19 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 43 vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
47 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
47 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .279 (19-68) vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
.282 (20-71) vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 2 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
3 vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
3 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
3 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
3 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
3 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
3 vs Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (02/25/06)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 9 vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
10 at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
10 vs Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (02/25/06)
3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .150 ( 3-20) vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
.167 ( 2-12) vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
FREE THROWS MADE........... 5 at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
5 vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 9 vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
9 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .455 ( 5-11) at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
.467 ( 7-15) vs Brescia (Ky.) (01/21/06)
REBOUNDS................... 18 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
20 at St. Ambrose (Iowa) (11/08/05)
ASSISTS.................... 6 at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
8 vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
8 at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
8 vs Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (02/25/06)
STEALS..................... 1 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
1 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
0 vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
0 vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
0 vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
0 at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
0 vs Indiana-South Bend (01/17/06)
TURNOVERS.................. 9 vs Grace (Ind.) (11/19/05)
11 at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
11 vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
11 at Indiana-South Bend (02/11/06)
FOULS...................... 13 vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
13 vs Saint Xavier (Ill.) (02/21/06)
High/Low Analysis
Olivet Nazarene High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 19, 2006)
All games
POINTS....................... 29 Howell, Phil vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
27 Chismark, Stan vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
25 French, Phil vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
24 Chismark, Stan vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
24 Chismark, Stan at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
FIELD GOALS MADE............. 11 French, Phil vs Robert Morris (Ill.) (01/24/06)
10 French, Phil at Illinois Tech (02/04/06)
10 Chismark, Stan at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
FIELD GOAL ATT............... 18 Chismark, Stan vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
17 Howell, Phil vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
FG PCT (min 5 made).......... .875 ( 7-8 ) Meeks, Travis vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
.875 ( 7-8 ) Lavender, Micah at Illinois Wesleyan (11/22/05)
3 PT FG MADE................. 5 Cole, Brett vs Illinois Tech (01/10/06)
5 Howell, Phil vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS............. 9 Chismark, Stan vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
9 Lavender, Micah vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
3-PT FG PCT (min 2 made)..... 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Lavender, Micah vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Howell, Phil at Indiana-South Bend (02/11/06)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Cole, Brett vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Livas, Nick at Brigham Young-Hawai'i (01/02/06)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Livas, Nick vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Birkey, Zach vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Howell, Phil vs Huntington (Ind.) (11/25/05)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Birkey, Zach vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Howell, Phil vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
1.000 ( 2-2 ) Chismark, Stan vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)
FREE THROWS MADE............. 9 Chismark, Stan vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
8 French, Phil vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
8 Bronke, Josh vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
8 Huck, Bobby vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
FREE THROW ATT............... 13 Chismark, Stan vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
10 French, Phil vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
FT PCT (min 3 made).......... 1.000 ( 8-8 ) Huck, Bobby vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
1.000 ( 8-8 ) Bronke, Josh vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
1.000 ( 7-7 ) French, Phil vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
1.000 ( 6-6 ) Chismark, Stan at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
1.000 ( 6-6 ) Howell, Phil vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
1.000 ( 5-5 ) Cole, Brett at St. Francis (Ill.) (02/07/06)
1.000 ( 5-5 ) Livas, Nick at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
1.000 ( 5-5 ) Livas, Nick vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
1.000 ( 5-5 ) Chismark, Stan at St. Ambrose (Iowa) (11/08/05)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) French, Phil vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Johnson, Zach vs Wayland Baptist (Texas) (03/15/06)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Cole, Brett at Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (01/31/06)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Howell, Phil vs St. Francis (Ill.) (01/14/06)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Howell, Phil at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Chismark, Stan vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
1.000 ( 4-4 ) Meeks, Travis vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
1.000 ( 3-3 ) Livas, Nick vs Purdue Calumet (Ind.) (02/25/06)
1.000 ( 3-3 ) Chismark, Stan at Brigham Young-Hawai'i (01/02/06)
1.000 ( 3-3 ) French, Phil vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
1.000 ( 3-3 ) Meeks, Travis vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
1.000 ( 3-3 ) Livas, Nick vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
REBOUNDS..................... 16 Meeks, Travis vs Grace (Ind.) (11/19/05)
15 Livas, Nick vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
15 Johnson, Zach vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
ASSISTS...................... 10 Birkey, Zach vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
10 Chismark, Stan vs East-West (Ill.) (12/13/05)
STEALS....................... 4 Birkey, Zach vs Brescia (Ky.) (01/21/06)
4 Chismark, Stan at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
4 Huck, Bobby vs East-West (Ill.) (11/26/05)
4 Chismark, Stan at St. Ambrose (Iowa) (11/08/05)
4 Meeks, Travis vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)
BLOCKED SHOTS................ 4 French, Phil vs Illinois-Springfield (02/09/06)
3 Meeks, Travis vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
3 French, Phil vs Ohio State-Mansfield (12/02/05)
3 French, Phil at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
TURNOVERS.................... 7 Birkey, Zach vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
6 Birkey, Zach vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
6 Huck, Bobby at Hawai'i Pacific (12/30/05)
6 Lavender, Micah vs Daemen (N.Y.) (11/18/05)
FOULS........................ 5 Livas, Nick vs Oklahoma Baptist (03/18/06)
5 French, Phil vs Mountain State (W.Va.) (03/17/06)
5 Birkey, Zach vs St. Francis (Ill.) (03/02/06)
5 Meeks, Travis at Saint Xavier (Ill.) (01/28/06)
5 Chismark, Stan vs St. Ambrose (Iowa) (12/17/05)
5 Livas, Nick at Georgetown (Ky.) (12/10/05)
5 Chismark, Stan vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
5 French, Phil vs Cornerstone (Mich.) (12/03/05)
5 Birkey, Zach vs Brescia (Ky.) (11/12/05)
5 Johnson, Zach at McKendree (Ill.) (11/11/05)
5 Chismark, Stan vs Memorial (Newfoundland) (10/28/05)