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 Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition - 9. Writing & Speaking
 a skill you can use forever
Writing and speaking are among the most useful skills you will ever learn. Learning to conceive, research, and write papers and speeches is learning how to think. American education has been criticized because students are required to memorize subjects rather than understand and analyze them. However, as Wisconsin student James Robinson points out, future survival lies in knowing how to solve problems. "If we don’t know how to analyze a problem," he says, "how are we ever going to compete in the real world? The problems we are going to face are not going to be written down in a textbook with answers in the back...As students we must realize that we need to come up with our own solutions." This is mindful learning, and Robinson is right!

How do you think you will use writing and speaking skills in your career and life?

What two specific things in this chapter can you use in the future?



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Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition
Chapter 9. Writing & Speaking
Copyright © 2002 by Wadsworth Publishing Company