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 Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition - 5. Time Management as a Learned Skill

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how do you spend your time?

The purpose of this activity is to enable you to see where your time goes. Honesty is important. The idea is to figure out how much time you do spend on studying. Then you can determine if you could spend more time.

Record how many hours you spend each day on the following activities. Print out this page so you can fill it in at night or the following morning:










Showering, dressing and so on
Going to classes
Watch TV
After-school activities such as childcare
Leisure activities– movies, eating out
Scheduled Activities–sports, volunteer work, etc.
Other (hanging out, partying, etc.)



I put studying at the bottom of the list so you can see how other activities impinge on it.

Now consider the following:

1. Do you feel in control of your time?

2. Are you satisfied with the way you spend your time? Yes No

3. On what three activities do you spend the most time?

4. Do you feel you’re spending enough time studying? Yes No

5. If you had to give more time to studying, what two activities could you give up or cut back on?


Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition
Chapter 5. Time Management as a Learned Skill
Copyright © 2002 by Wadsworth Publishing Company