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 Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition - 5. Time Management as a Learned Skill

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your to-do list for the week

In the following box, write a to-do list for the week. Beside each task designate the priority by marking with an A, B, or C. Mark with an "A" if it is a high priority task---it must get done, such as finishing a paper that is due; a "B" if it is fairly significant, but could be held over to the next week; or a "C" if the task is not absolutely necessary. Make sure that you do not have all A’s or you will set yourself up for failure.


Priority Task



Make a print-out of the page. Do the tasks with an "A" priority first. Resist the temptation to so the "C" tasks–sometimes they are more fun. Reward yourself at the end of the week if you get done with all your "A" tasks.


Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition
Chapter 5. Time Management as a Learned Skill
Copyright © 2002 by Wadsworth Publishing Company