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 Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition - 1. Developing Staying Power for Lifetime Success
 going to college: what is your fear?
Identifying your fears about college is the first step in fighting them.

For each of the following statements, write down the number that corresponds to how much you agree or disagree:

1=strongly disagree

2=somewhat disagree

3=neither disagree nor agree

4=somewhat agree

5=strongly agree

I am afraid that...

1. College will be too difficult for me.

2. I will get homesick.

3. I might flunk out.

4. I won’t be able to handle the amount of school work.

5. My study habits won’t be good enough to succeed.

6. I’ll get lost on campus.

7. I’ll be a disappointment to people important to me, such as my parents, family, or children.

8. I won’t have enough money and will have to drop out.

9. I won’t be able to handle working and/or family responsibilities and college at the same time.

10. I will get depressed.

11. I won’t be able to manage my time being on my own.

12. I’ll oversleep or otherwise won’t be able to get to class on time.

13. I won’t be able to maintain the grade average I want.

14. The college will find out that I’m basically incompetent and will kick me out.

15. I won’t be able to connect with other students.

16. I won’t make any friends.

17. I won’t be able to overcome my shyness.

18. I’ll have problems with my roommates.

19. I won’t be able to handle writing/spelling or math.

20. My professors will find out I’m inadequate.

21. There will be no one to help me.

22. I’ll choose the wrong major.

23. I’ll have to cheat in order to survive the tough academic environment.

24. My family or my job will complicate things, and I won’t be able to keep up.

Press to update the totals.

Your total is

100 points-125 points:

You are very fearful or very concerned about your college experience. Although these concerns are not unusual, it would be a good idea to check into some college resources to assist you in dealing with your worries. Such resources include career and personal counseling, the college’s learning center, and the financial aid office.

75-99 points:

You are somewhat fearful or somewhat concerned about your college experience. Welcome! Join the crowd! Your concerns are typical and are shared by the majority of college students. To assist you in addressing these issues, you may wish to identify the appropriate college resources–counseling center, learning center, financial aid–for assistance.

74 or less:

You have few fears, perhaps are even laid back. Even so, it would be useful to identify college support services (such as counseling or learning center) in case you ever need them.

We all tend to think that any one worry we have is unique, that it is ours alone, that no one else ever experiences it with the intensity that we do. This is not true! Indeed, the fears and concerns listed above are quite common. So also is the reluctance to seek help, to get support. But seeking support is probably what will help you overcome the fear. Resources such as counseling and financial aid are readily available.



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Wahlstrom/Williams: Learning Success, Third Edition, Media Edition
Chapter 1. Developing Staying Power for Lifetime Success
Copyright © 2002 by Wadsworth Publishing Company