Creating Personal Web Pages

If you would like to create a personal webpage then simply follow these steps:
  1. You must be logged into the network on campus as yourself. (or logged in via
  2. Create a folder on your H: drive and name it: webpage (lowercase).
  3. Place all of your web pages, pictures, and other files into this folder or its subfolders.
  4. The first webpage that you want people to see in each folder must be named: index.html or index.htm (lowercase). After that you can name each web page file anything you would like. Avoid spaces in the names.
  5. Your web address is where "username" is your login ID (bjones, lsmith, etc).
  6. The list of students' webpages is updated automatically every few hours to reflect the addition of new pages.
  7. If you go to and you are getting a 404 error, make sure that the webpage folder is in lowercase, and that you have an index.html or index.htm in that folder.

If you have any questions about this procedure you can contact IT at extension 5302.
Copyright Policy
©   Students are required to abide by the University copyright policy when publishing personal web sites. Unauthorized storage or transmission of copyrighted material is prohibited. The user will be notified that they are in violation and unauthorized copyrighted material will be removed expeditiously. Repeat offenders face network access termination.
These pages will be scanned periodically for potential violations.
Suspected copyright violation can also be reported to