2009 NCAA Information Technology Tournament Rules and Regulations

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Introduction: Welcome to the 2009 NCAA Information Technology Tournament! This tournament is open to all those invited by the committee. No knowledge of NCAA basketball or any knowledge for that matter, is needed to participate, all you need is your official committee invitation to the big dance. The drawing of teams is strictly random, the only requirement is that you have a little fun along the way. Excess whining will be punishable per review by the committee. An example of punishment can be seen under the consolation prize description.

Draft: The drafting of teams will begin on March 19, 2009, at 10:30am in the conference room. If you are unable to attend the committee will appoint a designated drawer to draw in your place. The tournament seeds will be divided into four groups and each invitee will draft one team per group with the groupings set as follows.
    Group 1 - Tournament Seeds 13-16
    Group 2 - Tournament Seeds 9-12
    Group 3 - Tournament Seeds 5-8
    Group 4 - Tournament Seeds 1-4
As you may know we have more than 16 invitees so a second draft round will be initiated with the remaining invitees. Yes, it will be possible for two people to win with this format. If one of the second round invitees' team wins they will share the prizes with the corresponding first round winner. Draft orders have been randomly determined to add complexity to our lives. If you have a complaint about your draft order just remember that statistically it doesn't matter, every one has a 1 in 16 chance no matter what place they are in the draft.

Tournament Play: All that needs to be done is to follow your drafted teams throughout the tournament. Having fun along the way and having the will to beat the snot out of your co-worker opponent is a must. Check this web site to often to keep up to date on your team.

Prizes: The winner(s) will receive an all expense paid lunch consisting of pizza for which they may choose the brand and flavors. All official (former) birthday lunch rules apply, including paying a surcharge of $1.00 if you are unable to attend the prize party (see official birthday lunch committee rules for details). The Whining Consolation prize goes to the invitee who's teams are out of the tournament the fastest. Remember if you whine enough you may get something named after you too. Prizes will be awarded on dates to be determined by the committee after the tournament is completed.

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at backerma@olivet.edu